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Sunday, December 4, 2011

ICB pp. 224-254

pp. 239  Dick and Perry stay at the farm house because Dick is "too ashamed to face it."  The "it" is that he didn't actually have the perfect heist.  He wasn't as smart as he led on.  Later, Perry initiates the killings when he reacts to Dick's cowardice (not cutting Clutter's throat) and then sees himself crawling on the floor of Nancy's room, trying to find a young girl's silver dollar.kills Mr. Clutter.  "The shame.  The disgust" (244) Perry feels causes him to kill Mr. Clutter.  To kill out of shame--to take four lives is disgusting, but Dick and Perry's morals are so tattered that they can't prioritize their feelings and, sadly, feel they can't control their actions.  This is the difference in the moral and the criminal mind.

1 comment:

  1. I now understand why Perry acted the way he did. Killing the family or hurting them in any type of way was not apart of his "plan", even though it was apart of Dick's. Going into all of this, both Perry and Dick had different mindsets. But the other never knew, because they each continued to lie to each other. Perry became so messed up in the head and ended up not being able to control his actions. He let his emotions get the better of him, which so his priorities were all messed up. If Perry took the time to realize what he was doing, he could have saved himself the grief, and saved 4 lives. -Krystal Adams 4B
